Photo by Health by Principle

Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

Media space allows people to exchange ideas, and provide various opportunities. When we are engaging with a public audience, we are building connections with a large group of people. As Jody Vance said in the video, we will never know who would become the key piece of your network in the future. In other words, I think the wider your connection is the more opportunities or possibilities you will have. However, being in public online also means you should always be cautious about the language you use and the contents you share. Everything you posted online will be somehow recorded forever. Therefore, a negative comment or an inappropriate post could push you away from your goal or dream job. Also, for those influencers, they should be careful on choosing sponsorship. I realize improper sponsorship could also bring a person down since they are no longer being trusted by the public.

How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer social media policy?

Since more and more people can share and comment on their idea online, it is common to hear negative sounds because of various opinions. When you are online, there will be people judging you for different reasons. Sometimes, it can be taken as a recommendation for self-reflection. However, as the examples we have in the video, people can judge you because of what you wear or how you look. Therefore, I think it is important and difficult to find the balancing point of your attitude towards negative critiques.

How do notable individuals use social media?

I really like the sentence mentioned in the video, “you are your brand”. A notable individual should always take this sentence seriously. How they use social media demonstrates what kind of person she/he is. Thus, I think celebrities should proofread before they post. Also, they should present a positive image on each platform since they can be considered a role model.

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

The purpose of having a PLN is to connect with someone or to give others an opportunity to reach out. With a well-built PLN, you may have more chances/opportunities than others. You may get your dream job or you may find your potential business partner via your PLN. Thus, in general, having a PLN and being in the public eye is beneficial.

Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived
restrictions and benefits?

Sometimes, employers will provide online tools for different purposes. One is for building community. The advantage is that it helps to filter or categorize people. It is great to talk with people who have similar ideas or are in the same field. However, it is also limiting your view because of too much similarity. Also, safety and privacy may be an issue. The trust between employers and employees can be ambiguous. Since every piece of your information and behaviour on the tool can be viewed by the employees, you sacrifice freedom for efficiency.

Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on?

It is crucial to guarantee the reliance of sources on PLNs. Many platforms have started using real name authentication to ensure your identity. Similarly, to create a reliable PLN, certifying posted infomation is necessary. Certainly, posting real information also rely on individuals’ morality.

How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

To minimize the risk of sharing misinformation, those veteran storytellers will surely proofread their works several times. They would also do some research to ensure the authenticity of the contents. In addition, I think they may have a team supporting them. Sometimes, people just cannot notice the mistakes they make but they are obvious to others. Just like journal articles, veteran storytellers can hire someone to proofread and “peer edit” before they share.


MILLER. (June 7, 2021). Jody Vance – Media Voices. YouTube.


joerica October 23, 2021 Reply

Hi Kelsey. From your response, I can see that your attitude and views on social media are clear. What we say and do on social platforms can affect our employment, since it is hard to live without the Internet. If we choose to use social software, we need to consider that it is such an open and broad platform. Therefore, we should cherish the infinite possibilities and support provided by these platforms, so that we can easily show our ability.
In a word, from your blog I see many of the same views as mine, I got a great time!
Joerica 🙂

tanvirmanak October 27, 2021 Reply

Hi Kelsey, great post! I liked that you mentioned that notable personalities are role models to others and that they should be careful when posting or signing brand/sponsorship deals. I’ve seen so many people lose their reputations after signing with a controversial brand and it takes a lot of time to build the trust within your PLN again.

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